Today we finished our Carnet A.T.A. - the 10-page-long duty document where we had to list all our equipment from the big camera up to the cables and the memory cards.
After a long story of collecting all important informations like name, serial number, country of origin, weight and value of each apparat or accessory we filled out the 10 pages with an old eletric typewriter. It was a real adventure ;-)
We brought the "booklet" to the IHK, Wiesbaden, and drove to the duty office in Wiesbaden-Biebrich today to get it all signed.
We had some "small" problems so far but were able to manage everything.
And here are some photos from our big equipment check on Tuesday, december 1th:
Here Prof. Schiffler and Mr Böttrich tried to assemble the new "Compendium" and failed because of an missing or wrong fragment:
You might be interested in this Guide to ATA Carnets. It explains all about the ATA Carnet system and gives a step by step guide to using a Carnet.
hello adventurers, take care, have fun, create a phantastic film and get back safe and sound. jh